Category: Enterprise Architecture

situational awareness

Bring back a focus on situational awareness

Our Book of the Month has as a central theme ‘double awareness’. That is, about maintaining a simultaneous focus on task and process – what we do and what we notice. As Svalgaard says, “double awareness is not only a core capacity but also a core challenge”. Svalgaard continues the argumentation from Donald Schön, who…
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End-of-year reflections

Yet another year has passed. It’s been a good year for enterprise architecture as a profession and a discipline. There are lots of jobs for professionals and lots of work for them to do in the enterprises, and the discipline is maturing and taking its stronghold as the preferred leadership approach to digital transformation. One…
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EA maturity assessment London

THE HIGHLIGTHS of our EA maturity assessment workshop in London 

Previously we shared that EA Fellows was invited to host a workshop about EA maturity assessment at the latest IRM Enterprise Architecture Conference in London in early October and we are eager to share how it went. Our workshop presented a new EA maturity assessment model that considers the organizational context and how it is…
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EA conference

Humans at the centre of it all

The past month has been a month of conferences. First, Ksenija and I went to the iconic IRMUK Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Management Conference in London. It must be the 14th or so time I have been at that annual conference, which I have the honour of being a member of the Advisory Board…
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enterprise awkwardness

Enterprise Awkwardness 

Sometimes seemingly easy and simple things turn out to be anything but easy and simple. They become a huge mess, to borrow from the title of our book of the month. Let me give an example.  Over the summer, Ksenija and I decided that we need new laptops. So, on the 11th of August, I…
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Enterprise Architects Must Master Both Core and Explore

As enterprise architects, we are always facing a two-logics situation. On one hand, we want to and need to understand, and as best we can, manage, the core of our enterprise. As our friend John Zachman famously said: “Someday, you’re going to wish you had all those models, enterprise-wide, horizontally and vertically integrated, at an…
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Enterprise Architects Need to Understand Business Architecture

When I talk to aspiring as well as seasoned enterprise architects it often strikes me how little focus they have on understanding the business they work in and with. Recently, I met an architect in a large government agency who explained that his enterprise might as well produce canned tomatoes – the architecting he did…
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Strategisk IT anvendelse

Når man leder og udvikler en moderne virksomhed, er man afhængig af IT hver dag. Men ofte giver IT anvendelsen ikke de ønskede resultater, fordi afgørende forudsætninger ikke holder, eller uforudsete komplikationer støder til. Det kan være udfordrende at styre virksomhedens IT anvendelse, fordi sammenhængen mellem ny teknologi og forretningsmæssige fordele er svær at gennemskue…
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EA for Innovation

Det er ofte hævdet, at begreber som strategisk planlægning og overordnet arkitektur står i direkte modsætning til innovativ udvikling. Påstanden bygger som regel på en misforstået opfattelse af, at strategisk tænkning altid er en topstyret proces, der skal resultere i et ensartet og forudsigeligt resultat. Men sådan behøver det slet ikke at være. EA som…
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Standardisering eller arkitektur? Begge dele, tak!

Efter sommerens høringskonference om de kommende ESDH standarder var deltagerne – og andre interessenter – inviteret til at indsende skriftlige kommentarer til de 5 specifikationer af forretningsservices, som skal supplere – og med tiden afløse – de eksisterende FESD standarder. De indkomne høringssvar er nu publiceret her. Der er grund til at bemærke høringssvaret fra Region Midtjylland, som stiller…
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